For those of you who didn’t grow up in the 60s, myself included, there was a time when studios rarely worked with recording artists to cut tracks for their films. However, during the filming of The Graduate, director Mike Nichols was so enamored with Simon and Garfunkel, his producer, Larry Turman, actually convinced Paul Simon to write three songs for the film.
Well, according to a Variety article by Peter Bart, Paul was too busy touring to write three songs, and only wrote one song about Mrs. Roosevelt, Joe DiMaggio and how time pasts. After hearing just a few notes, Mike Nichols changed Roosevelt to Robinson and a legend was born.
Now, whether this side of the story is true or not, you have to admit, it’s a pretty damn good song, even if you don’t like the folksy sounds of Simon and Garfunkel. And if you never heard the song, or watched the movie, I highly suggest checking them out. But for now, here’s a nice little YouTube clip for your listening pleasure.
Now, if you have seen The Graduate, you could probably argue that a second Simon and Garfunkel song was more of the movie’s theme than Mrs. Robinson. That song would be The Sound of Silence. Again, another phenomimanl song—however, I don’t believe it was written for the film. But, it did make its appearance several times in the flick, including the intro, outro and a famous pool scene that has been parodied throughout movie history.
Which movies, you ask? Oh, I don’t know, like, Old School. Yep, my favorite scene in that movie has to be when Sean William Scott shoots Will Ferrell in the neck with a dart. I laugh my ass off watching this scene. Not only is it hilarious, but they cleverly capture the essence of the pool scene in The Graduate. Brilliant!
Don’t believe me? Take a look for yourself below. Enjoy!
Well, what do you think? Pretty damn sweet, right? Either way, leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts of this great film and great theme song. I’d love to hear what you think.