Yep, that’s right! Custom t-shirts by yours truly and our friends over at Spreadshirt.
So here’s the gist. We came across this site a few weeks ago because we wanted to you a little more than just our videos. And since everyone loves our faithful friend K. Rock, we figured, what the hell, let’s put him on t-shirts!
But don’t worry, we didn’t just pick any random shop. We tested first. And by tested I mean, we submitted sample designs, placed some orders, then had them shipped to our homes for thorough assessment.
The verdict? Sweet!
The shirts turned out awesome. And now, it’s time to get our butts in gear and start designing some shirts just for you. Keep an eye out for our personalized page, coming soon. The minute we’re done designing the page, we’ll be sure to let you all know.
In the meantime, head over to their main site and check out personalized gifts from Spreadshirt.com