Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe. That’s how you start off a season! The wait is finally over and Winter is here! I know. It’s mid July. Look just let me have a moment ok? Thank you. I’m good now. Alright then, let’s get this pretentiously titled blog started! Where is this season going to open? Last season was so good and there are so many great stories I can’t wait to catch up with and… The Twins? Really? OK. I’ll bite. Let’s face it, I’ll drink whatever Kool-Aid this show throws at me.
The Twins
The cold open before the credits was awesome! I never thought I would refer to the genocide of an entire family as “awesome,” but… nah, screw it. The Freys suck. It was awesome. Easily one of the best cold opens the show has ever pulled off. I will admit that for a minute there I thought I was watching a flashback until Arya pulled a Jim Jones and succeeded in poisoning all of the remaining Frey men at once. On second thought… I’ll pass on the Kool-Aid. (Still awesome though.)
“When people ask you what happened here, tell them the North remembers. Tell them Winter came for House Frey.” — Arya Stark
The Wall
The Army of the Dead and the White Walkers are… still walking. Zombie giants are fun though. More of that please.
Meera drags Three-Eyed Bran to The Wall where he uses a Jedi mind trick on Edd in order to gain entrance. “These aren’t the wildlings you’re looking for.”
Jon seems to be settling into his new role as the King in the North. Sansa seems to be settling into her usual role as the Pain in the Ass. I know, I’m a bit harsh. It’s just that the last time the North had a king it didn’t go so well. *Cough* Red Wedding. *Cough* Let’s just hope that the two siblings/cousins can get on the same page here soon. I know it’s fun to tell Jon Snow that he knows nothing, but cut him a little slack Sansa! The man was dead nine episodes ago! I guess it hurts me to see a brother and sister go at it like that. Speaking of brothers and sisters going at it…
King’s Landing
Cersei Lannister, the Queen of the seven…well, three kingdoms plots her campaign of destruction with her dear brother Jaime. We got some nice exposition in this scene because Cersei seemed to know all of the plot lines of the show. Ravens travel fast I guess? Either way it was a good way for the show to get all of that out in one scene to keep us on the same page. A more interesting addition to the plot came sailing in right afterwards anyway.
Euron Greyjoy. I think I like this guy? I know he’s the “bad” Greyjoy, but his character (or the actor’s portrayal of him) made me want to see more from him for now. Depending on what his “gift” to Cersei is could put the Lannisters in a stronger position than they currently are in. I’m intrigued… for now.
“So here I am. With a thousand ships, and two good hands.” — Euron Greyjoy
Come on. Look at him! He can’t be that evil right?
Old Town
Winterfell Part II
The North
Arya is heading south? Not to Winterfell? Her list does have a few more names on it I guess. Cersei’s being at the very top.
Is that Ed Sheeran? Yes…yes it is…but why? He’s part of a band of Lannister troops that Arya meets up with on her journey. I’m not sure where this is going, but as I recall the first time we met Jaqen H’ghar he was wearing Lannister armor. Just saying.
The Hound gets a lot of screen time in this episode as well. I’m glad because I was always wondering what became of that farmer and his daughter from season 3 or 4. (Please read that last sentence with sarcasm.) I do love Sandor Clegane though and to see his character progress throughout the seasons has been fun. He is invited to look into the flames for answers and he actually sees something. The Lord of Light has a track record for showing visions that are not all that they seem. Literally at least. The Hound saw a Mountain. Again, just saying.
“I’ll tell you what doesn’t scare me. Bald cocksuckers like you. You think you’re fooling anyone with that topknot? Bald cunt.” —Sandor Clegane (Apologies for the language, but this is also a contender for line of the night.)
“Shall we begin?” — Dany
Thoughts and Theories
- I’m going to assume that Arya is everyone in every scene from now on.
- The Wall is coming down! Mark it down. Maybe the last thing we see this season. At least cracked a little?
- Should Jaime be afraid of Cersei or should Cersei be afraid of Jaime? Asking for a friend.
- Alice Karstark and Ned Umber will make great banner men for the Starks. What are they ten years old? They can’t all be as cool as Lyanna Mormont I guess.
- Cersei wants Jon to bend the knee at King’s Landing? Who does she think he is, Robb Stark? (Too soon?)
- What is Euron’s gift to Cersei?
- Should we be more worried about Grayscale? It’s highly contagious right?
- Tormund and Brienne are just priceless.
- There’s Dragonglass underneath Dragonstone and Jon needs it! Targaryen reunion coming soon!
- Dragons!
All in all this episode was a great table setter for the rest of the season. Plot lines are intertwining. Stories are merging. Songs will be sung. With only seven episodes this season you can bet we’re in for some good action during these next few weeks. I’m ready!
It’s good to be back! As always, thank you for reading and please let me know your own thoughts and theories and anything else you’d like me to cover in the comments.
“That’s what I do. I drink and I know things.”